Prayer Letter

Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - June 2023


Dear Friends,

     “Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established” (Proverbs 4:26). While our feet literally take us many places, spiritually our feet go many ways also. It is my desire that all my steps, literally and spiritually, are in ways that please the Lord. Since writing last on April 17, Fisher of Men has heard from several radio listeners. One had been getting the broadcast the week the topic was “Suicide”, and he was thanking God that He had given him answers to questions he had. Another indicated he was a new listener. Only God can take a twenty-year-old broadcast and have it repeated at just the time a new listener needs questions answered! Again Fundamental Broadcasting Network reports that three new areas have reported they are listening to the broadcasts. Aland Islands is the first. It is part of an archipelago of about 6,500 islands of which only about 60-80 are inhabited. It is an autonomous region of Finland with Swedish as their official language with just over 30,000 souls. Two other places, Mayotte and Sao Tome & Principe have increased the count to 239 countries and locations that have heard the gospel broadcasting over FBN. Mayotte is an overseas department, region and single territorial collectivity of France. It is located in the northern part of the Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Southeastern Africa with over 310,000 souls living on the islands that comprise Mayotte. Sao Tome & Principe is an island located in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Central Africa. With a population of nearly 202,000, the Lord has opened up the potential to reach more than half a million souls with the gospel of Christ in these three new locations! We praise the Lord for this additional open door for broadcasting.

     The summer electrical storms are upon us and on May 17 one strike got some of our equipment. While it has been replaced we are still experiencing less that optimal service and are troubleshooting the cause. Pray that can be resolved soon.

     Bro.  Joevest Varghese in India reports that all six of the Bible Institute students graduated and that for the new academic year there are 14 students (8 men and 6 women). The students come from difficult backgrounds. Most of their parents are non-Christian and do not support the students. Anti-Christian groups have stopped the baptizing of converts in the rivers, so they are building a baptismal tank to accommodate the 40 people who are ready for baptism. He says doors for the gospel are being closed in many places. See the pictures of the new students on the back.

     Bro. Jeph Palit-Ang in the Philippines reports that he and his mother Rose were hospitalized in April for COVID. He had a sister-in-law in Manila, who was a doctor, die and was not able to attend the funeral. Rose has been admitted to the hospital a second time and was still there on June 1 when he was writing. The Bible Institute there will graduate 2 students (1 man and 1 woman) in July. Many of their church members are experiencing sickness. FOMMI was able to send special funds to apply to their hospital bills.

     Bro. Lemon (Proshenjit Sarkar) continues to evangelize along the rivers of the Sunderban in Bangladesh. The Bible School there has begun and progress is being made. That work has endless possibilities in reaching many souls. In the April prayer letter I listed some of the things he is praying for as more areas are evangelized (fishing equipment, bicycles, cows, water tanks, as well as funds to complete the third and final floor of their home base that will be used as a “First Aid Treatment” Clinic). The Lord knows all about the cost of each thing and if you would like to contribute to any of it, please note it on your check payable to Fishers of Men Ministries International. Thanks to those who have already contributed. Funds already received were wired the last week of May.

     “Anchors of the Faith” continues to be widely used in jails and prisons. Recently a case of the discipleship books and tests were mailed to a county jail in Illinois at the request of the chaplain.

     Although not much is said, your care and support (prayer and financial) of FOMMI and the Fisher-Munds through the many years are gratefully acknowledged. “For we are laborers together with God…” 1 Corinthians 3:9.

     Finally, many years ago Fishers of Men attempted to work in Canada in fishing (lobster) areas in the Maritimes. David Mitchell was in charge of that until his death. After that time, although an attempt was made to keep it going, FOMMI withdrew from that effort. We still hear from Canada and there is a need for pastors there. Two such churches are in lobster-fishing areas in Nova Scotia; one was a fairly large church at one time (don’t know the state now). If the Lord touches the heart of any preacher reading this and you would like more information, please contact FOMMI.

Until next time,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - April 2023


Dear Friends,

     Psalm 107 was a favorite of Fisher-Mund, especially verses 23 and 24.  I want you to see verse 8, which is also repeated in verses 21 and 31, “Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!”

     On the date of the last prayer letter, the mission trip to Bangladesh was begun. As was stated, the trip was not a vacation, but was, indeed, a tremendous blessing to the participants. My pastor’s luggage was lost, but was found on the homeward bound phase. Thankfully he had necessities in his carryon which saw him through. The long trip getting there and back, combined with all the activity while there, made some weary men arriving home. Needless to say, their lives were forever affected by that trip. If you can ever personally come to the office of FOMMI in south Alabama, I will show you pictures of that trip and tell you about their experiences.

     Bro. Lemon has many outreaches in Bangladesh that produce many needs. Along with evangelizing, he helps provide clean drinking water through tanks to catch rain water ($180 each), cows to families to supply food and income source ($450 each), bicycles to aid in evangelizing ($100 each), boats and nets for fishermen ($450 each). The Bible school was begun on March 17 which increased operational needs. If you would like to fill any of these needs, just note on your check what you are sending it for, and I will see that it goes for that need.

     Graduation for the six Bible students in India is even now occurring. They have been faithful in evangelizing during their time as students, even when it was dangerous. That Bible school is praying for a 12-seater van to use in evangelizing. Help them pray for that and give towards its purchase if the Lord leads you.

     Bro. Jeph from the Philippines was among the men on the Bangladesh trip. He was a blessing to all who met him. Fishers of Men Baptist Church in San Fernando City, La Union continues to be a stable base for evangelization.

     Recently I have heard from a radio listener in Barbados saying the broadcasts are a blessing. Fundamental Broadcasting Network reports that the daily listening countries and locations around the world continue to increase. The last total was 237. Remember the daily broadcasts can be heard via Podcasts if you are not near a radio station carrying them. You can also hear them by going to the website.

     On a personal note I have been having some tests run on the advise of my family doctor. I failed a stress test so moved on to a heart cath, which was perfect. These were done because some of my brothers and sisters have had heart attacks or strokes. I will see soon if that ends the need for tests.

     Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Those are necessary to the foundation of FOMMI.


Until next time,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - February 2023


Dear Friends,

     I feel I cannot write fast enough to get all my thoughts down on paper before I forget something! (That is what age does to you.) Thank you for all the Christmas notes of encouragement and family updates, as well as the financial gifts to FOMMI. I also thank you for the many birthday cards, phone calls and texts I received in January. I am humbled for the Lord to remind me that I have many friends and whole churches who are praying for me, so I have no excuse for not remaining faithful in the role God has placed me in. A missionary friend wrote that Psalm 9:1,2 had become favorite verses for her. I love it and especially like to hear it sung. “I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou Most High.”

     A week after my birthday I received a not so welcome present---I came down with COVID for the second time! It was not as severe as the 2021 event, but kept me isolated and feeling “puny” for a week. I am thankful to be back to normal activities.

     Today my pastor, Tim Fellure, and Fisher-Mund’s sidekick, Henry Vick, along with three other men, will begin a trip to Bangladesh to view the work there under the direction of Proshenjit Sarkar, nicknamed “Lemon”. They will get to view the numerous young churches as well as the base station. Pray for their safety and that they will be a blessing as well as receive one. Their return is scheduled to begin February 21, with U.S. arrival on February 22. This is a very strenuous trip (not a vacation). The Bible school was set to open in January, but new rounds of COVID have caused them to delay that.

     Jeph Palit-Ang, pastor of FOM Baptist Church in San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines will meet those men in Bangladesh to be a part of the trip. He has much experience in operating a bible school and is helping Lemon get established in that way. I apologize that I have not requested an update from the Philippines so as to include it here. They celebrate Christmas as we do, so you know they have been busy. Joevest Varghese wrote that the ministry in India is growing and 42 unreached villages are being evangelized.  The Bible School will be graduating six students in April and there are already new students eager to be trained. Some young ladies are wanting to join the Bible institute so they are being considered for the next year. There are 21 converts in Maharashtra and 40 in Orissa who are awaiting baptism. Opposition is being faced in those areas.

     January saw many requests for copies of Anchors of the Faith from many areas in the U.S. I am not sure how inmates in distant prisons know to request it, but they do. Some churches also use it for new converts.  Henry Vick continues to see many inmates complete the course in the jail in Escambia County, Florida. There have also been requests for copies of Nautical Notes. I am thankful that God continues to use these books to bring the lost to Him.

     In uploading weekly radio broadcasts recently, I had completed a full week’s worth for the dropbox for radio stations as well as supplying the podcasts and discovered that the 15-minute program was too long. In verifying it, I found that it contained all five of the M-F 5-minute programs as well as the 15-minute one. Since I could not fix the 15-minute one (complicated process), that left me with no option but to delete them all and start over with another subject. It made me wonder if the devil didn’t want that broadcast heard.

     Personally I am still invested in sharing care for my mother-in-law, who reached the age of 100 early in February. All these things keep me fully occupied.


Until next time,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - December 2022


Dear Friends,

    Many years ago Fisher-Mund wrote these words to you, our readers……“Isn’t it a joyful thing to know that God had love for this world of sinners to the point of giving up Heaven’s wonder to descend to this planet to rescue fallen man? He sure came unusually wrapped, but I am glad for what was revealed in that heavenly gift. Because of Christ’s coming (his birth, shed blood, death, and resurrection), I have a home in a land that is fairer than day, with a city of lights beyond my imagination.” This Christmas season is the second year Fisher-Mund has been enjoying lights beyond his (or our) imagination.

     He also wrote to you about “change”, saying that the word had taken its place on his “bad” list just because of its association! The year 2022 has brought change to the saints of God. Some are no longer able to serve the Lord in the same positions they have filled for many years (2 Corinthians 5:1-8) but continue to be faithful to the end (1 Corinthians 4:2). Work and pray as long as you can, then pray as long as you have mental faculties. God will take care of the rest!

     We have all seen change in the cost of living (increase). That financial “crunch” has been felt by everyone, and this ministry has also experienced it. However God continues to faithfully meet the needs for each mission effort. Thank you for your part in prayer and financial support. Our world has change stamped all over it. Those areas where change is not good call out to us as Christians to stand and reverse that. We need God to give us backbone and stamina for 2023 to discern which changes to refuse.

     Fishers of Men Ministries International has not changed it its desire to see individuals brought to a saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We have not changed in our desire to spread the gospel through witnessing, radio broadcasts, the printed page and mission support. We have not changed our desire to see young men who will continue this vision saved, called to preach, and trained in the Bible. We have not changed in promoting daily Bible reading as a necessity for spiritual health.

     The Bible schools in India and the Philippines have not changed in training young preachers. Bro. Varghese in India reports all teachers and students are doing good. Seven young people were recently saved. His mother has been hospitalized but expected to recover. The investment in a motor bike and a bore well have blessed many. Bro. Jeph in the Philippines reports his mother, Rose, slipped on a wet floor and for a few weeks was unable to attend services because she could not sit. Jeph’s wife, Marge, is having difficulty breathing, and even after tests and treatment it continues to be a problem. A new building for worship was dedicated in a very remote place 185 kms. south of San Fernando City (Neuva Vizcaya). Bro. Jeph preached that dedication and 10 people were saved. He also preached an anniversary service for a church in Manila and 25 folks came forward for salvation. By the time this letter goes out Fishers of Men Baptist Church in San Fernando City will have celebrated its 22nd anniversary in November. “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised…” Psalm 145:3. We continue to look forward to the opening of the Bible school in January 2023 in Bangladesh.

     The largest outlet for the broadcasts “A Fisherman’s 5-Minute Look at the Book” and “The Mariner’s Call”, Fundamental Broadcasting Network, reports that God has enlarged that coast by bringing listeners from two new countries for the first time—East Timor, an island country in Southeast Asia, and Kosovo, a developing country in Southeast Europe. That means that through FBN alone the broadcasts are heard in at least 236 countries and locations around the world!

Merry Christmas!

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - October 2022


Dear Friends of FOMMI:

Since writing last on August 15, I have heard words of encouragement from many of you as you remember your connection to Fisher-Mund as he was an ambassador of our Lord. You have written from Washington, Greenland, Michigan, Mississippi, West Virginia, Florida and Texas. We are beginning our second year of serving the Lord since Fisher-Mund’s departure. Thank you for continuing to uphold this ministry in your prayers and financial support. Speaking of prayers, this year has seen two of FOMMI’s prayer warriors taken to heaven. Patricia (Pat) Habedank was a very special servant of the Lord and a very faithful prayer warrior not only for FOMMI and the Mund family, but for a long list of others. She was a special friend to me with whom I could share burdens and know she was praying for God’s will. I miss her. Frances Newby is the second prayer warrior who is greatly missed. This just increases my anticipation of joining them! I know most of you who receive this letter pray for FOMMI regularly, and I just want you to know it is of the greatest value.
The Bible school in India seems to flourish with persecution. Since August, 18 people have been baptized and 22 more accepted Christ as their Saviour and Lord in an area where they are often attacked by anti-Christian groups. Regular Bible studies are progressing in 16 villages where there are no churches even as other villages are visited. In three villages there is no proper water supply, causing much sickness. Also it is difficult to reach these villages as they are somewhat remote. FOMMI has sent support to bore a well to supply healthy water, and to purchase a motor bike to aid in physically reaching the villages for evangelization.
The ministry in Bangladesh continues to expand. The Bible school is set to open in January 2023. The trip to Bangladesh in February 2023 is still being planned, but because of so much time required to travel to and from, it will omit plans to go to the Philippines. Bro. Jeph from the Philippines will meet the travelers from the U.S. in Dhaka to accompany them on to the “fishing fields” of Bangladesh with Bro. Lemon.
As the hurricane season is winding down here in the U.S., so is the typhoon season for the Philippines. Bro. Jeph reports all is well there, even as they recently endured a strong earthquake. He was expressing his thankfulness that the building was properly built and escaped damage.
No matter how many times I read the Bible, there is always something that never “registered” previously. I refer to God and Jesus Christ as “the Lord”, and recently I discovered in Isaiah 42:8, “I am the LORD: that is my name…”. What have you discovered recently?

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: the LORD make his face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace” (Numbers 6:24-26).

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - August 2022


Dear Friends of FOMMI:

I have sat down numerous times to compile this letter, only to be interrupted by more pressing matters at the time. Not sure if the delays are from the Lord or from the “other” source! Looks like this time it will be “a wrap”!
“Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised…” Psalm 145:3. Bro. Jeph Palit-Ang sent this word of exhortation as he reported on the work in the Philippines. That phrase is also found in Psalm 48:1 and expands to verse 2. That reminds me of the late Lester Roloff, who sang those words of Psalm 48 innumerable times. While we knew of his ministry and had heard Bro. Roloff’s messages via reel-to-reel tape (in the 1960s) and on radio, Fisher-Mund and I had never met him in person until 1968. We were in Bible school at the time, needing another year to complete the training. Bro. Roloff asked Fisher-Mund to come work with him in Texas. While it was an honor to consider the request, he (Fisher-Mund) was convinced he needed to complete his training, so that opportunity passed us by. Lately my pastor, Pastor Tim Fellure, has been teaching the congregation Bible verses by singing them—a wonderful exercise! (Setting the “rabbit chasing” aside, I will continue with Pastor Jeph’s information.)
He reports that they still have some minor health issues. Jeph’s wife, Marge, has been training the next generation Sunday School teachers. The first batch consisted of 20 students. They are now active in extension classes in different areas of their region. There was one final seminar in July to complete the training of 12 additional Sunday School teachers. There was a dedication of the new church building of FOM Baptist Church’s mission in Tagudin with Pastor Romeo Patacsil. Although the building is not completely finished, it is suitable for meeting and worship. Their members expressed their joy in having a place to worship. FOM Baptist Church in San Fernando has a new family that has been saved, and is awaiting baptism and church membership. Jeph ends with “To God be the Glory!”
Bro. Lemon reports that the evangelization of new areas continues. Since 2019 (COVID,) progress has been curtailed, but more construction at home base filled the time when restrictions were pressed. Since the beginning of the Bangladesh ministry in 2015, there have been 17 churches established with new converts. Here is a listing and the year established. (“FFBC” is “Fishing Fields Baptist Church”.) The following map indicates their locations in the Sunderban.
1. Voroshapur FFBC (2015) 2. Vetevanga FFBS (2016) 3. Kalabogi FFBC (2016)
4. Nolian FFBC (2016) 5. Our Base Station (2017) 6. Koilashgonj FFBC (2017)
7. Betbuniya FFBC (2017) 8. Kushodanga FFBC (2017) 9. Gilabari FFBC (2017)
10. Joymoni FFBC (2017) 11. Boddomari FFBC (2018) 12. Ghoperhat FFBC (2018)
13. Koray 1 FFBC (2018) 14. Koray 2 FFBC (2019) 15. Betkashi FFBC (2020)
16. Kashirhat FFBC (2021) 17. Sharankhola FFBC (2022)

Bangladesh Fishing Fields Map

A trip to the Philippines and Bangladesh is being considered for February 2023. If you are interested in joining this group to visit Bro. Jeph and Bro. Lemon, please let me know ASAP. Currently you are required to be COVID vaccinated to enter those two countries. Bangladesh also requires a VISA. Bro. Henry Vick, Fisher-Mund’s sidekick, plans to lead the group.
MISCELLANEOUS INFO FROM HOME BASE…Here in the southern USA we have had the summer lightning strikes along with torrential rain. Several weeks ago lightning struck our router and switch, leaving them cooked/fried/generally inoperable. Inflation raised its ugly head in ordering replacements with each costing 3 times what they did a year ago when we had so much equipment loss. The Podcast monitor shows that listening numbers are increasing. I am sure it is attributable to the circulation of the business cards with the QR codes. A retired coast guard acquaintance in Washington state reported hearing Fisher-Mund’s voice for the first time on radio after scanning the QR code. Thank you for continuing to help with that distribution. Notify me when you need more cards. Fundamental Broadcasting Network recently reported that the 234th country is listening to FBN (airs “The Mariner’s Call” and “A Fisherman’s 5-Minute Look at the Book”). That country is Tuvalu, an island country located about halfway between Australia and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. In mid-July the re-printing of Anchors of the Faith, which included the two new chapters, was completed. My son-in-law and daughter, Ron and Ellen West, helped me transport them from Victory Baptist Press in Milton, Florida, to the office of FOMMI in Gulf Shores, Alabama (52 cases). Needless to say we did not have to go to a gym for exercise that day! I am thankful for your interest and continuing support of FOMMI.

Until next time,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - June 2022


Dear Friends of FOMMI:

“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country” (Proverbs 25:25). The rising daily temperatures here in LA (lower Alabama) make the first part of this verse literally true, and the mail from many locations around the world have made the last part spiritually true. Since the last CAST NET was published, FOMMI has heard from a reader in Jacksonville, Florida needing “fishy” tracts. He was disappointed to hear that FOMMI was no longer printing tracts. A missionary friend in Mongolia wrote to encourage FOMMI to continue on. A long-time friend in Michigan, whom Fisher-Mund nicknamed “Boudreaux”, wrote encouraging words remembering a 1500-pound mullet catch of years past. A “fishy writer” friend wrote with sweet words in memory of Fisher-Mund. Many other words of encouragement have come my way during this interval. I am so grateful for all the friends who continue to support and inspire me (young, old, new, forever…); you are all appreciated! I will mention one last correspondence from a missionary in Greenland. He is progressing with establishing a radio station and will include the M-F “A Fisherman’s 5-Minute Look at the Book” and the 15-minute weekend broadcast “The Mariner’s Call” in their programming.
The April 11, 2022, edition of this prayer letter chronicled the thirty-seven years Fisher-Mund spent in specifically reaching out in mission work. One reader understood the first paragraph to say that he was saved in 1984. He was saved January 2, 1966, was called to preach, attended Bible school and pastored two churches for 7 ½ years each, before the Lord specifically called him into mission work in 1984 that produced Fishers of Men Ministries International. I am sorry for any misunderstanding my writing caused.
FOMMI has received very little feedback about the business cards with the QR codes. Just wondering what your response is; let me hear. To be honest, I am just learning about/using QR codes. This past week a WIFI access point needed replacing in our office. When the replacement was delivered the installation instructions had to be accessed by QR code (it was VERY detailed). I texted my IT grandson who helped me get the “eyeball” installed (and he got it functioning). Just saying, old dogs have to learn new tricks! Help FOMMI place those cards with QR codes in the hands of young people who will access them and hear a message of salvation and/or a radio broadcast.
Bro. Varghese in India recently wrote, “Now our borders are opened and we have more freedom to travel where our works are in progress. Persecutions are everywhere and Christian workers are being targeted by the anti-Christian groups in India. Pray for our safety.” They had a conference at Fishers of Men Bible Institute in March. Nine of their meetings were with non-Christian groups in interior villages where there are no churches. The Bible institute students had already done outreach in those areas which gave an open door for the gospel. Personally he is experiencing weakness since his heart attack. Bro. Lemon in Bangladesh reports baptizing 24 new converts on Easter Sunday and distributing New Testament Bibles to them. There is always a lot going on there. The plan is to open the Bible school for the first time in January. With funds not used on some recent projects, the third floor roof of the ministry building has been erected. That floor will not be completed at this time due to financial constraints. (This is common practice in that part of the world----build a little at a time as you can.)
Bro. Jeph in the Philippines writes, “Two weeks ago we had one baptism during our church fellowship at the seaside. We took advantage of the holiday announced by our government. We had 26 mothers present on Mother’s Day. We opened a new Bible study in the home of one new family. I am glad the Lord is adding to His church in spite of the condition of our times.”
There have been no spectacular things to report from the office of FOMMI during May and June. You know, a lot of life is just being faithful to continue serving in the place where God has called you, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).

Thanking God for you,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - April 2022


Dear Friends of FOMMI:

Greetings to our readers!  This prayer letter is not so much a reporting of current happenings with FOMMI as it is a tribute to my late husband, Andrew Wayne “Fisher” Mund, who spent the last thirty-seven years of his life spreading various nets to reach the lost around the world (with an emphasis on those in the fishing industry). He stepped into uncharted waters in 1984 when he yielded to the nudging of the Holy Spirit to begin the mission outreach that became FOMMI.

     His many years of experience in radio broadcasting led him to develop a network of stations carrying programs he began to produce called “A Fisherman’s 5-Minute Look at the Book” for M-F, and a 15-minute week-end program called “The Mariner’s Call”. Thus radio became the first “net” spread to catch the lost. Today these broadcasts are literally heard around the world through access to conventional radio stations as well as access on the internet from the website, or a variety of podcasts. The latest testimony from radio listeners came in on February 14 from a listener to a radio station in North Dakota. He wrote, “I just wanted to thank you for your quick, practical sermons! I listen while I work on my ranch so I really appreciate the short, condensed sermons. Thank you and I hope they will continue, God willing.” A long-time listener from the Caribbean, whom I consider a close friend, wrote a special note to me when Fisher-Mund abruptly flew away in September 2021. She paraphrased a well-known poem by James Whitcomb Riley called “Away”. She wrote “He is Only Away” and quoted Song of Solomon 8:7.

He is only away.
In your thoughts and your heart
You are always together,
Never apart.
In your sorrow remember
He is only away.
Though he may not be with you
The memories stay,
And in time, when the hurt isn’t too much to bear,
When you look in your heart
He will still be there.

These two are only a drop in the bucket of those who have had their hearts affected by the Holy Spirit through the faithful preaching of God’s Word via radio in those thirty-seven years.

    The printed page became the second “net” spread to catch the lost. This publication (THE CAST NET) was begun in 1985, and shortly after that a supporting church in Kentucky began to print tracts with “fishy” titles for FOMMI. Those tracts were used around the world and one tract is responsible for the establishing of the thriving work in the Philippines, Fishers of Men Baptist Church in San Fernando City, La Union (another story).  Later a discipleship book titled “Anchors of the Faith” was compiled with the help of two preacher friends. While tracts are no longer printed, the discipleship book is still widely used and is even now having a reprinting that is adding two chapters Fisher-Mund wrote just months before he left us. Anyone satisfactorily completing the study and chapter testing  of “Anchors of the Faith” receives a certificate from FOM “C” School.  In 2000 the book “Nautical Notes” was published. It was written as part of the requirement for Fisher-Mund’s doctoral degree at Great Plains Baptist Divinity School. It continues to be a blessing to readers.

     Church planting became the third “net” in 1989 as Fishermen Baptist Church in Bon Secour, Alabama was planted/established. Fishermen from the area who were part of an advisory board supported the need of a  local church. That church just celebrated its 33rd anniversary and remains a gospel “net”.

     Romans 10:14, “…how shall they hear without a preacher?”, was the force that set the fourth “net” in the establishing of Bible schools in the Philippines and India. Young men continue to be trained who are reaching out to the lost in their areas. (More stories here.)

     The fifth “net” that was able to be cast in the thirty-seven year period was an outreach in Bangladesh. That ministry has been and continues to be extremely fruitful, with the majority of their converts being the fishermen that Fisher-Mund had envisioned way back in 1984. (Many stories continue.)

     I want to publish part of a letter from 2014 where a resident of Maine was saved through reading material much like what you have seen in this edition of THE CAST NET. A man who lived in N.H. and Maine and had visited FOMMI in Bon Secour, wrote that he had put his son, an atheist who mocked God, on the mailing list of THE CAST NET over 15 years prior. The son had not spoken to the father for years. The father wrote, “I hunt in Maine October and November. While hunting a road I’ve shot mucho deer on—same road my son lives on, very remote—a car pulled alongside and the occupant says, ‘Seeing any deer?’ and so on. I talked to him 5-10 minutes and it dawned on me it was my son; anyway, ice was kind of broken. I lived in a camp on the other side of the mountain from him, so I drove over a couple times a week to see him. In our conversation one time, and many times afterward, he starts talking of things of God, even taking Jesus Christ’s name in a wonderful, positive way. I’m saying to me, ‘What in the world’s happening here?’ He then tells me of some guy who was a fisherman all his life and started a church near Foley, Alabama, sends him a newsletter every month or so. This kid (now over 50 years old) had fished Alaska, Greenland, off the coast of New England, a superb net-mender, and to him the only people who are intelligent, smart and wonderful are other fishermen. Somehow this fisherman near Foley, Alabama (Bon Secour) got to him with the gospel. Thank you, Lord, and thank you Fisher-Mund. Hopefully this letter encourages you. Your letters always encourage me.”

     Back to the present 2022. FOMMI has begun distributing business cards with QR codes that will take a user to a radio broadcast and/or a presentation of the gospel. If you could distribute some of these, let the office know and we will mail them to you. Maybe this will be the sixth “net” for FOMMI and Fisher-Mund.

     FOMMI continues only because the call of God to reach out is still there and time is short. Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support.  Revelation 22:20, “…Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

Continuing on,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - February 2022


Dear Friends of FOMMI:

Psalm 62:8, “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.” My family and I continue to trust in our Lord and indeed pour out our hearts to Him. On January 2, 2022, our beloved Beth (daughter-in-law) flew away . ( I gave her a message to tell Fisher-Mund.) She had fought cancer in several forms for over seven years. We miss her even now, as she was a ray of sunshine in our lives. Even as the hole in our hearts is still there from the homegoing of Fisher-Mund, we have another hole there from Beth’s departure. Thank you so much for your continuing prayers for me, personally, and my family. I am glad God knows what He is doing and I do trust Him.
The turn of a calendar year always brings a certain amount of “housekeeping” in the office. Information from the previous year is cleaned from files (real paper, filing cabinet files) and stored. Computer files are updated; tax forms are produced and filed with the proper authorities, supplies are checked and if needed, are ordered. My IT grandson, Cody, has instructed me on how to take broadcasts from a CD and put the individual broadcasts in the computer radio file. Fisher-Mund has a lot of CD radio messages that never found their way into the computer, where they need to be in order to make them available for radio broadcasting stations. (Learning “new” computer skills is NOT my favorite thing to do!) I guess I can attribute that to the fact I attained another year in early January (78). Many of you sent notes and birthday cards; thank you. I am blessed to have so many friends around the world. In thinking about birthdays, my mother-in-law celebrated her 99th birthday on February 4. I continue to share in her care with her son and daughter. (I am looking and longing for the Rapture. I would not be sad if I never had another birthday!)
Bro. Joevest Varghese in India, Bro. Jeph Palit-Ang in the Philippines, and Bro. Proshenjit Sarkar (Lemon) in Bangladesh continue to faithfully serve our Lord. Recently Bro. Lemon was a passenger on a motorcycle that wrecked. His arm and leg were hurt and the driver was more seriously injured. That spoke to me that Satan would like to see the growing outreach in Bangladesh stopped or hampered. We get so wrapped up in what is going on with us that we forget to pray for their safety and health to continue on in their areas.
I hope you have become a listener to Fisher-Mund’s daily 5-minute broadcasts. They can easily be found from the website ( or by podcasts on your telephones, or perhaps you are in the broadcasting area of a radio station that carries the broadcasts. I am in the habit of listening each morning first thing. You will get a blessing for your effort.
Recently two chapters were added to Anchors of the Faith. I must proof the entire book and then it will be ready for printing. The stock is almost depleted, so must do that soon. FOMMI could not continue to make radio broadcasts available, support the Bible schools in India and the Philippines, and the growing work in Bangladesh, and make Anchors of the Faith available for use (especially in prisons), without your continued prayer and financial support. Thank you for counting us faithful!

Pressing on,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - December 2021


Dear Readers:


     Everywhere we look today we find fear. If it is not fear of losing our jobs, home, or other “things”, it is fear of being infected with COVID. Satan is enjoying instilling the thought of fear in the hearts and minds of all. God tells us we do not have to live with that fear. Way back at Jesus’ birth, God had the angel of the Lord tell the shepherds to “fear not”. We have many verses in the Word of God to comfort and allay that fear. One of my favorites is Isaiah 41:10, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”  Our Lord’s words of comfort can remove the specter of fear. God strengthens us, so there is no reason to fear. He is with us and shows the powers of this world to be small. Focus on the Lord’s good presence and the fear will melt away from your soul. Then you, like the shepherds of old, can realize that Christ has indeed come. Make this Christmas season special as you let God take care of your fears.

     The last couple of months have passed quickly as there have been many details to take care of concerning Wayne’s passing. I would like to say that by the end of 2021 all has been completed, but I will just have to wait and see. I know that I have been able to function and continue serving the Lord because of the prayers of you, my (our) friends and fellow servants. I cannot thank you enough for your words of comfort and encouragement as well as the unceasing prayers. You have written, texted, emailed and telephoned to let me know that you are continuing to support FOMMI. Thank you!

     Fisher-Mund’s voice is continuing to be heard from the many radio stations that carry “A Fisherman’s 5-minute Look at the Book” Monday through Friday, and “The Mariner’s Call”, a 15-minute broadcast aired on week-ends. I have become one of the regular listeners as I get it via a Podcast early each morning. It has been comforting as well as instructive to listen each day. Fundamental Broadcasting Network (one broadcaster with many affiliates that carries the FOMMI programs)  has recently reported that their internet listening audience has grown considerably. Listeners in America in 2020 were at 410 thousand and in 2021 are at 500 thousand. International listeners in 2020 were at 50 thousand and in 2021 are at 70 thousand.  Traditional radio listeners are not counted in that number.  We are privileged  to provide programs that are reaching those people via FBN, as well as many other stations.

     Please note the correct telephone number to reach FOMMI—251-752-1495. By the time you get this update the old number (251-752-6474) will have been retired. Snail mail addresses are still current as well as the email address (see letter heading).

      Bro. Joevest Varghese in India reports that he is able to “do normal things” again since his heart attack three months ago. India is still having restrictions on gatherings and on schools. He says, “Our Bible Institute students are trying to reach out to many interior villages which are totally unreached with the gospel. In some places they were threatened, also warned not to share about Christ. But in other places people were receptive. In those places our students helped some people who suffered with COVID.”

        In Bangladesh the long-awaited boat has been delivered and is at the dock, ready for trips to evangelize in unreached areas along the many rivers.  Thanks to the contributor(s) that made the boat and dock possible. Bro. Lemon is very busy with the growing work there. Please pray for him as he evangelizes, disciples, trains, and directs this exciting ministry.  This photo gives a little view of the dock as well as the boat. Remember that tides are of a great variation there. High tide brings the boat almost to the top level of the dock. Pray that this boat will see many “fish” (human ones) caught and lives changed through salvation in Jesus Christ.

Bangladesh Boat

      Bro. Jeph Palit-Ang in the Philippines reports: “Fellow Fishers, Greetings! We praise the Lord for His great mercies and safekeeping upon us all. I know reports are necessary to encourage those who pray for us and keep us on track. We are still operating as far as our ministry is concerned, though we went through many quarantines imposed by our government. The attendance is not affected as we evaluate the outcome today because those who had no opportunity to attend during the previous months because of restrictions are recharged and more eager to attend now. They learned that without God and the church, it is worse than having COVID. Yes, church is essential. As for my family, we are healthy after my two hospitalizations last year and this year (COVID positive). I thought my time was up but the Lord didn’t let me since there are still things to do. My wife, Marge, is doing good in spite of her previous hospitalizations due to her heart condition. By the way, we are very much grateful for your prayers that the Lord provided the expenses in the procurement of her pacemaker. My two children are helping in the church. More young people are taking violin and piano courses to help the worship services become better. We are going to baptize 3 candidates this month. November 28 was the birthday of our church (anniversary). We emphasized the theme ONE VISION, which we need to keep preaching the Word of God. Prior to that we held our Mission Conference on November 25 with the emphasis ONE MISSION, the proclaiming of the gospel and supporting mission works. We are very grateful for your partnership and ‘fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now’ (Phil. 1:5). Your contribution or investment is not in vain. The words ‘Thank you’ are not even enough to express our feeling. Finally, we miss Bro. Wayne Mund. His partnership with us is something we can never forget. This is why our work here is always associated with him; his labor is not in vain. Of course, all glory belongs to God. Praying for you all! Keep looking up and keep fishing!”

In closing let me tell you of the funny (and embarrassing) incident that occurred on November 1. I had taken my purse (which has my life’s story in it), FOMMI bank deposit, cell phone, and car keys outside the house, locked the house door, opened the car door, and deposited everything inside the car. As I was moving to get in the driver’s seat, I saw all the leaves piled up on the carport as a result of the heavy winds from the two previous days. Instantly I decided to go back in the house and get the battery-powered blower and clear the leaves off before leaving. (I had forgotten that I had locked the house door.) I closed the car door and then I heard it---that dreaded locking sound of all the car doors. Then my memory activated and I knew I was locked out of the house, car—EVERYTHING. Next door my son-in-law was at work, my daughter was gone. I only had a few minutes wait and my daughter came home. She had a key to the house, but my purse (locked in the car) had the only other car key. We looked at each other and she called my son-in-law and he told us to call the Emergency Road Service to come unlock the car (never used it before so had forgotten all about it). After that it was about 40 minutes and the car was unlocked. I immediately gave my extra car keys to my daughter, so hopefully if my aging brain does that again it will be easier to get the car unlocked. I have been driving since I was 15 (for 62 years) and that is a first for me. I hope it doesn’t happen again! (You may laugh now!)

Continuing on,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]