Dear Friends of FOMMI:
Psalm 62:8, “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.” My family and I continue to trust in our Lord and indeed pour out our hearts to Him. On January 2, 2022, our beloved Beth (daughter-in-law) flew away . ( I gave her a message to tell Fisher-Mund.) She had fought cancer in several forms for over seven years. We miss her even now, as she was a ray of sunshine in our lives. Even as the hole in our hearts is still there from the homegoing of Fisher-Mund, we have another hole there from Beth’s departure. Thank you so much for your continuing prayers for me, personally, and my family. I am glad God knows what He is doing and I do trust Him.
The turn of a calendar year always brings a certain amount of “housekeeping” in the office. Information from the previous year is cleaned from files (real paper, filing cabinet files) and stored. Computer files are updated; tax forms are produced and filed with the proper authorities, supplies are checked and if needed, are ordered. My IT grandson, Cody, has instructed me on how to take broadcasts from a CD and put the individual broadcasts in the computer radio file. Fisher-Mund has a lot of CD radio messages that never found their way into the computer, where they need to be in order to make them available for radio broadcasting stations. (Learning “new” computer skills is NOT my favorite thing to do!) I guess I can attribute that to the fact I attained another year in early January (78). Many of you sent notes and birthday cards; thank you. I am blessed to have so many friends around the world. In thinking about birthdays, my mother-in-law celebrated her 99th birthday on February 4. I continue to share in her care with her son and daughter. (I am looking and longing for the Rapture. I would not be sad if I never had another birthday!)
Bro. Joevest Varghese in India, Bro. Jeph Palit-Ang in the Philippines, and Bro. Proshenjit Sarkar (Lemon) in Bangladesh continue to faithfully serve our Lord. Recently Bro. Lemon was a passenger on a motorcycle that wrecked. His arm and leg were hurt and the driver was more seriously injured. That spoke to me that Satan would like to see the growing outreach in Bangladesh stopped or hampered. We get so wrapped up in what is going on with us that we forget to pray for their safety and health to continue on in their areas.
I hope you have become a listener to Fisher-Mund’s daily 5-minute broadcasts. They can easily be found from the website ( or by podcasts on your telephones, or perhaps you are in the broadcasting area of a radio station that carries the broadcasts. I am in the habit of listening each morning first thing. You will get a blessing for your effort.
Recently two chapters were added to Anchors of the Faith. I must proof the entire book and then it will be ready for printing. The stock is almost depleted, so must do that soon. FOMMI could not continue to make radio broadcasts available, support the Bible schools in India and the Philippines, and the growing work in Bangladesh, and make Anchors of the Faith available for use (especially in prisons), without your continued prayer and financial support. Thank you for counting us faithful!
Pressing on,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager
Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]