Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - February 2024


Dear Friends,

       End of year office duties quickly followed the Christmas season, which I enjoyed immensely. All my family were home with the exception of one grandson, his wife and two of my great-granddaughters. (He is in the Army and was only able to be home for Thanksgiving.) When we all gather there are 25 present. That may seem to be a large number, but I came from an old-fashioned family of seven children, so when we all gathered at my parents’ home years ago with our families the number was astronomical!
       Activities of FOMMI are continuing as ever. Radio programs are made available daily and continue to be heard around the world in 241 listening countries and locations. I start each day by listening to the podcast for that day. If you have difficulty finding the podcast, contact me and I will tell you how to access it.
       The “Anchors of the Faith” series is continuing to bear fruit of souls saved. Recently an inmate in Escambia County jail in Pensacola, Florida, reported being saved by reading the AOF book he had found discarded in his jail.
       My mother-in-law was hospitalized the first of December as the November-December prayer letter was being printed. After her dismissal we (her family) have had to be with her 24/7. Her condition continues to be up and down---sometimes we don’t think she will live through the day, only to see her rally and have a few days of a somewhat normal time. She can no longer walk, so we have to physically move her. At times she cannot feed herself, then at times she can. All of this is uncertain, but we will continue to care for her. She will be 101 by the time you read this. My sitting schedule is daytime, so the office work for FOMMI is done at night. As there is a need, feel free to telephone any time as I have the phone with me at all times.
         The Bible schools in India and the Philippines are operating on schedule. Bangladesh is still in a holding pattern until late February when they plan to resume classes.  Bro. Lemon in Bangladesh is already reaping a rice harvest on recent land purchases. Pray for them as there are still some troublesome times in that country. Pray that the food they are growing will open new doors to evangelize.
     Thank you for being a friend to FOMMI in your faithful prayer and financial support. (Your caring birthday greetings in January were appreciated. The years are piling up—80 of them!)

Thankful for you,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]