Fishers of Men Ministries International

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Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - June 2022


Dear Friends of FOMMI:

“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country” (Proverbs 25:25). The rising daily temperatures here in LA (lower Alabama) make the first part of this verse literally true, and the mail from many locations around the world have made the last part spiritually true. Since the last CAST NET was published, FOMMI has heard from a reader in Jacksonville, Florida needing “fishy” tracts. He was disappointed to hear that FOMMI was no longer printing tracts. A missionary friend in Mongolia wrote to encourage FOMMI to continue on. A long-time friend in Michigan, whom Fisher-Mund nicknamed “Boudreaux”, wrote encouraging words remembering a 1500-pound mullet catch of years past. A “fishy writer” friend wrote with sweet words in memory of Fisher-Mund. Many other words of encouragement have come my way during this interval. I am so grateful for all the friends who continue to support and inspire me (young, old, new, forever…); you are all appreciated! I will mention one last correspondence from a missionary in Greenland. He is progressing with establishing a radio station and will include the M-F “A Fisherman’s 5-Minute Look at the Book” and the 15-minute weekend broadcast “The Mariner’s Call” in their programming.
The April 11, 2022, edition of this prayer letter chronicled the thirty-seven years Fisher-Mund spent in specifically reaching out in mission work. One reader understood the first paragraph to say that he was saved in 1984. He was saved January 2, 1966, was called to preach, attended Bible school and pastored two churches for 7 ½ years each, before the Lord specifically called him into mission work in 1984 that produced Fishers of Men Ministries International. I am sorry for any misunderstanding my writing caused.
FOMMI has received very little feedback about the business cards with the QR codes. Just wondering what your response is; let me hear. To be honest, I am just learning about/using QR codes. This past week a WIFI access point needed replacing in our office. When the replacement was delivered the installation instructions had to be accessed by QR code (it was VERY detailed). I texted my IT grandson who helped me get the “eyeball” installed (and he got it functioning). Just saying, old dogs have to learn new tricks! Help FOMMI place those cards with QR codes in the hands of young people who will access them and hear a message of salvation and/or a radio broadcast.
Bro. Varghese in India recently wrote, “Now our borders are opened and we have more freedom to travel where our works are in progress. Persecutions are everywhere and Christian workers are being targeted by the anti-Christian groups in India. Pray for our safety.” They had a conference at Fishers of Men Bible Institute in March. Nine of their meetings were with non-Christian groups in interior villages where there are no churches. The Bible institute students had already done outreach in those areas which gave an open door for the gospel. Personally he is experiencing weakness since his heart attack. Bro. Lemon in Bangladesh reports baptizing 24 new converts on Easter Sunday and distributing New Testament Bibles to them. There is always a lot going on there. The plan is to open the Bible school for the first time in January. With funds not used on some recent projects, the third floor roof of the ministry building has been erected. That floor will not be completed at this time due to financial constraints. (This is common practice in that part of the world----build a little at a time as you can.)
Bro. Jeph in the Philippines writes, “Two weeks ago we had one baptism during our church fellowship at the seaside. We took advantage of the holiday announced by our government. We had 26 mothers present on Mother’s Day. We opened a new Bible study in the home of one new family. I am glad the Lord is adding to His church in spite of the condition of our times.”
There have been no spectacular things to report from the office of FOMMI during May and June. You know, a lot of life is just being faithful to continue serving in the place where God has called you, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).

Thanking God for you,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495