Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - February 2025


Dear Friends:

     Proverbs 27:1, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”  Life takes many twists and turns quickly! For those of you who do not live in the deep south, January 21 was an extraordinary day! My area had around 8 inches of snow! According to records it had been well over a hundred years since we had seen that much snow. While it was beautiful, it presented challenges to an area unprepared for that kind of weather. Along with that was an outbreak of sickness identified as the flu that made many sick with a few being hospitalized.

     Since writing in December, printing of More Nautical Notes has been completed by Victory Baptist Press. Please let me know if you can use copies of this book to be a blessing to others. The office also has a good supply of all twenty-one “fishy” tracts, Anchors of the Faith discipleship series, business cards with QR codes for the user to hear a radio broadcast and/or a message on salvation, as well as the original Nautical Notes. Request and use these tools wherever you can as you minister to others.

     Bro. Varghese from India writes that they were able to start new works in Jalagoan, some interior villages in Orissa and the tribal community in the Andaman Islands. The Bible Institute students are facing many oppositions from anti-Christian groups but God is enabling them to spread the gospel to many people who are under the bondage of Satan. Continue to pray for their safety.

      Bro. Lemon in Bangladesh had his beloved grandpa leave for heaven December 6, 2024. Grandpa had been a preacher all his life and a great inspiration to Bro. Lemon. While the turmoil in Bangladesh has calmed, there are lingering problems it created. One problem facing Bro. Lemon is that landowners fled to India without visas, and now cannot get back without risking imprisonment, so the long-awaited land purchases cannot be finalized. The land purchases are important to the expansion of the ministry, so pray that somehow the landowners will be able to return to complete the sales. The picture shows a class of the Bible school students—the hope of tomorrow in Bangladesh!

     Bro. Jeph in the Philippines will be blessed by a visit from Pastor Fellure and three other men in about three weeks. They will have a good time seeing young men who have been trained and have gone out in surrounding areas to establish new churches.  Bro. Jeph reports dedicating a new church building in December about a 4-hour drive from San Fernando. The church theme for 2025 is “Settling Our Unfinished Business” (John 4:34).

     Here is a current picture of the Palit-Ang family: L to R, daughter A.J., mother Rose, wife Marge, Bro. Jeph, son Japho. A.J. was just a toddler when FOMMI began to work with Bro. Jeph’s father, Manuel, to evangelize in the Philippines and later to see the church and Bible school established at San Fernando City. Now she is a grown woman who recently passed the bar exam making her a full-fledged lawyer. The picture is taken inside the auditorium of Fishers of Men Baptist Church.

     Many months ago I wrote of the need for a pastor in several churches in Nova Scotia. Those positions are still open. If you need more information, please contact the office and I will be glad to tell you more about those churches. WARNING—Nova Scotia is not a place for “sissies”. The weather is harsh, the people are hardworking, but it has natural beauty and many lobsters in season! More importantly souls need to be saved and nurtured in the Lord.

     Lest I forget to remember the goodness of the Lord through you all, I would like to thank you for the many Christmas and birthday greetings I received in December and January.  On my birthday I had a special blessing by receiving a phone call from a childhood friend who was my maid of honor at my wedding in 1963. She has always held a special place in my heart. While she has had many physical trials over the last 21 years, she still has her “special” laugh! God bless you, Hettie! And finally, one reader sent this birthday riddle—What does it mean when no one shows up for your birthday party? You get to have your cake and eat it too!  (It could also be because you have gotten so old you no longer have any living friends.)

     In a few days many will be celebrating Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget that the “best” Valentine was given to you by God through His son, the Lord Jesus Christ! John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  Have you accepted that gift?

Continuing on,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - December 2024


Dear Friends:

     This reporting will wind up 2024 Fishing News. It has been a year of ups and downs and changes, personally, nationally and world-wide, but nothing has come that surprised our Lord. It is so wonderful to be able to rest in knowing that fact. FOMMI continues to make daily radio broadcasts available to stations, internet and podcasts. All twenty-one “fishy” tracts have been reprinted. A new book, “More Nautical Notes”, which contains short “fishy” devotionals that were the last writings of Fisher-Mund, is now being printed. Although I have proofed publications for many years, I just could not seem to get to an end of the “typos” in this book, so finally released it to the printer. (Guess that is a sign of old age!) 🙂 “Anchors of the Faith” continues to be used particularly in jail/prison settings. Here is an unsolicited testimony from an inmate of Escambia County Jail, Pensacola, Florida, received in late November. “My Anchors of the Faith worksheets have been completed. I have thoroughly enjoyed the study….there are many vital points I feel I need to work on personally…Thank you for your ministry and all your efforts made here. The hope you bring is worth so much to me and is what gets me through these very long days.”

     I extend my thanks to each of you who continue to support this ministry in prayer and finances. I understand that there are many worthy ministry opportunities out there for churches and individuals to support. Most of the individual supporters and church supporters of FOMMI have been long-time friends. Occasionally there are circumstances that cause a church to end support. In November I received a letter from a young pastor saying that was the case. I just wanted you to know that these things are in the hands of the Lord and I thank and bless the Lord for all His blessings through each of you and I do not take that for granted. Support or no support does not diminish my regard for each of you.

     Speaking of support, this is just a reminder that if you have a contribution to FOMMI that you want to be recognized in 2024 for tax deduction reasons, it must be IN OUR OFFICE no later than Tuesday, December 31. Otherwise it may be attributed to 2025 totals and not useable for 2024 purposes. (Timely delivery of USPS mail is not so certain these days.)

     I did not seek an update from Bro. Jeph in the Philippines, Bro. Varghese in India, or Bro. Lemon in Bangladesh at this time. I will update you in the February newsletter. Just to let you know that all eyes around the world are on the USA, about 2 am on Election Night Bro. Jeph texted me about the election result! (I texted him I was trying to sleep!)

     1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In every thing give thanks:  for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning  you”.

Merry Christmas,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - October 2024


 Dear Friends:

     It has seemed that summer will never leave us here in lower Alabama! At this writing it is still here, but beginning to fade. My days have once again shared time with caregiving, this time for a sister-in-law (Fisher-Mund’s sister). She has been very sick and even yet has a lot to overcome to care for herself. Psalm 103 reminds us that it is, indeed, the LORD who loadeth us with His benefits that cover all of life’s challenges.

     The office experienced another lightning strike in August after our prayer letter went out.  That strike took out some equipment and caused us to renew some wiring. All the IT people just say it comes with being in our particular location, so nothing can be done that we have not already done to avoid the problems. While I do not like these incidents, I just tell the Lord it all belongs to Him and if that is what He wants to do I accept it.

     The reprinting of the twenty-one “fishy” tracts has been completed and they are stocked here in the office. A good number of them have already been sent to those requesting them. Let me know if you are interested in distributing any of them.  A sequel to Nautical Notes from a Biblical Perspective, which will be titled More Nautical Notes, is at the printer now and will be available soon.

     Bro. Lemon reports that there is an escalating persecution of Christians and other minority religious groups in Bangladesh following the military coup that ousted the government in August. Many of the former leaders and politically active individuals fled to India. This persecution has affected the ministry concerning evangelization and Bible training in the Bible school, but they are continuing with a “watchful” eye. The remaining land purchases have been put on hold since some of the property was owned by those who have left the country. Recent visits to the river churches resulted in a baptism of twenty-four new converts. (See three photos on the next page.)

     Bro. Varghese in India conducted a special training program for village pastors and evangelists who are engaged in mission activities. (See the first picture on the following page.) They face much opposition as they go to interior places with the good news. The Bible institute in functioning well. Many students face much opposition from their own communities since some of their relatives are non-Christians. The church in the fishermen colony is rejoicing in the Lord.

     Bro. Jeph reports all is well at Fishers of Men Baptist Church and Bible School in San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines. November will be the 25th anniversary of FOM Baptist Church.

     I end with my thanks to you, my faithful friends, who continue to support this ministry in prayer and finances. Psalm 90:17, “And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.”

Continuing with His help,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - August 2024


Dear Friends:

     Lest I forget to include a note of gratitude to you all for being my friends as well as friends of FOMMI, I want to remind you that neither FOMMI nor I could long continue without your faithful prayers and financial support. God nudges you at just the time I need you to pray for me, and provides the funds needed to carry on FOMMI. Before the next prayer letter goes out the milestone of three years will have passed since my beloved Fisher-Mund went to Heaven. It still seems like he is either on a long mission trip or a long fishing trip and will be home soon. However I know it will be I, not he, who will be going/coming home! He is greatly missed every day. Psalm 3:3 has been very dear to me when loneliness overcomes me. “But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.”

     The twenty-one “fishy” tracts FOMMI formerly printed have been out of stock for a while now, but are in the process of being reprinted. Those of you who have been requesting them will be able to obtain them soon. The cost of tract printing has more than doubled since they were last printed, and I was hesitating about actually ordering them, when unexpectedly FOMMI received a gift that would pay for 80% of the cost. I took that as the Lord directing me to place the order!

     You may have noticed news of the student riots going on in Bangladesh lately. For a time the government shut down all internet and telephone access, as well as called out the military to control the rioters who were burning cars, buildings, etc., resulting in quite a few rioters being shot. A curfew is still in place there. After a few days Bro. Lemon was able to let us know that they were safe at the base station. By God’s grace they continue with Bible school, agriculture projects and river churches as they pursue the purchase of the remaining land. Remember that land purchase is not simple in Bangladesh and can require much time in researching ownership through three different governments. In the mean time the price of the land increases, resulting in the purchase of less land with available funds. Only God can make that easier, so please remember to include that in your prayers.

     Bro. Varghese in India says schools have reopened there. The Bible Institute students regularly do outreach ministry in places like Odisha and many have accepted Christ. They are using the ministry van to go to interior places to preach and are in need of new tires (6) for a cost of $1200 (sounds like inflation is there also). This is the rainy season which is causing the fishermen colony problems by producing rough seas and some flooding. Pray for them.

     Bro. Jeph in the Philippines says a passing typhoon/hurricane caused extensive flooding especially in Manila, but other areas nearer to Bro. Jeph as well. See two pictures, one in metro Manila, and another in Baguio. Reports are that 600,000 residents are displaced. Jeph’s brother Ruel, who pastors in metro Manila, was not flooded so the church is housing many people in the church facility.  FOM Bible School in San Fernando, La Union, resumed on July 30 with thirteen students. FOM Baptist Church is preparing for a joint special conference with some area churches in August to emphasize the importance of the church. They are also preparing for their 25th church anniversary in November. They celebrate in a big way and

much preparation goes into that day for spiritual as well as physical food. Their decorations are out of this world using live flowers and/or fruit from their area.  It does not seem possible that so many years have passed. I remember when their services were held in their rented house. God has greatly blessed that work. Jeph says he is also praying for America.

      Bro. Henry Vick and co-workers continue to minister in the Escambia County jail in Pensacola, Florida. From time to time that ministry (and others there) are threatened to lose access to the jail, and then the Lord will move those in power to allow it to continue. Pray that the Lord will keep His hand on that door so it remains open.

Notice across the street the Jollie Bee’s sign - that is a fast food place that is well-liked and common in many areas (the food is good).

Baguio is in the mountains and is cooler than the surrounding areas, so is a popular spot to visit/vacation. Heavy rains produce mudslides that wipe out roads.

2024 FOM Bible School, San Fernando, La Union, Philippines. Bro. Jeph Palit-Ang and wife Marge on front left, other teachers not pictured.

Thank you again for being my faithful friends.
“Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.”
1 Thessalonians 5:24

Continuing with His help,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - June 2024


Dear Friends,

     Summer has come early to south Alabama! It seems the same applies around the world as we are hearing from our outreaches in the Philippines and India and Bangladesh as they say they, also, are adjusting to increased temperatures. In their instances it is just harder to stay temperature-regulated without our omnipresent air conditioning. (I was just telling someone that in my childhood no one had air conditioning and also few stores had it. When Sears air conditioned their store in Hattiesburg it saw a jump in shoppers! Remember the paper fans everyone took to church?)

     We have experienced thunder (and lightning) storms that are common this time of year and have in past years brought us grief in zapping equipment. Thankfully that has not come our way this year. (WAIT…I wrote that one day and that night the lightning struck! We lost a modem and a router!) Our co-workers in Bangladesh have not been as fortunate as they have already endured their first hurricane (they call is a cyclone—Cyclone Remal) this season. Personally they were safe as the base station building is a very strong building that provided good shelter. Many local people took shelter there also—wonderful opportunity to build relationships leading to their salvation!  Most in the area either had great damage or lost their houses entirely (lots of them made of bamboo). Trees were uprooted, dams broken, and villages flooded. Some lost their lives. The ministry boat was anchored offshore so was safe. We are still waiting for Bro. Lemon to visit all the river churches to assess their individual damage. As is true here, after a disaster there is a need for funds to relieve suffering due to the bad weather. If you would like to give to that project feel free to designate it on you check payable to FOMMI.

     Inflation is not restricted to the USA. Bangladesh is muddling through the same thing. They are hoping to finalize the rest of the acreage purchase in this year and be able to harvest rice or watermelons from the land.  Since we have begun with the various land purchases the cost has doubled. Building materials also are about double as are labor costs for completing the third floor.   Presently Bro. Lemon is reaching out to a village that is predominantly Hindu, with the intention of establishing a primary school education program to gain favor and access to evangelize. Funds have been given and are presently being sent to begin that new effort. Aside from the cyclone, the river churches are doing very well. The Bible school is active and students are learning much that will equip them for serving the Lord.

     Bro. Varghese in India reports they have completed VBS, with 89 children attending and several accepting Christ as their personal saviour. The Bible Institute in Orissa is a real blessing to many small churches as the students go and help them by conducting Bible studies and other outreach programs, resulting in many people coming to the Lord.

     Bro. Jeph in the Philippines reports he and his family (wife Marge, daughter A.J. and son Japho) visited with his twin sisters in Japan for some R and R (you know what that is) and were refreshed. Three of his former students who are now pastors took care of the services while he was absent, and “the membership is still intact”. They will be baptizing 6 new converts in June, and are opening a new ministry for junior young people since many are coming as a product of their extension classes outside the church. He leaves you with this verse, “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister” Hebrews 6:10.

     New (oldies but goodies) radio broadcasts are uploaded weekly and the podcast audience continues to grow. If you haven’t listened via podcasts, give it a try. It is part of my early morning ”ritual” to listen to Fisher-Mund for five minutes M-F and fifteen minutes on Saturday on Spotify.

     FOMMI has received memorial gifts in memory of my mother-in-law, Margaret Mund. Thank you; she would be glad.

     I would like to remember a Bible school friend who went home on May 30 at the age of 90—Arthur Martin. Art was a brick mason from Canton, Ohio who was saved then trained at PBI in Pensacola, Florida. Afterwards he pastored for 43 years in Canton, Ohio. He loved street preaching and passing out gospel tracts until the end.

     Since the last prayer letter Bro. Henry Vick has represented FOMMI to a new church in Moss Point, Mississippi.  I am thankful for that ministry opportunity and for Bro. Vick’s participation in the ministry in that fashion as well as in taking “Anchors of the Faith” into the jail in Pensacola, Florida.

      I am so thankful for you who are faithful supporters of FOMMI in prayer and finances.  Additionally we all need Psalm 121. Verses 1 and 2 are my conclusion…”I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD which made heaven and earth.”


Continuing with His help,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - April 2024


Dear Friends,

     Just a few days can bring a monumental change to our lives. Twelve days after the last prayer letter and THE CAST NET were mailed, my 101-year-old mother-in-law passed from this life on February 24. That ended the care the family had been giving her round the clock for three months, and the daily/weekly care given for over two years. That old hymn says, “…when my life becomes a burden, and I’m nearing chilly Jordan, Thou who knowest all about me, stand by me.” Truly her life had become a burden to her, exhibited by much pain, and yes, the Lord stood by her. The family has spent many days clearing out her house. With that completed I am now seeking to get the office of FOMMI back in hand as I had only done necessary tasks there for the last almost four months. I confess that physically I have been worn out, but I am thankful to report that the Lord is restoring my strength and endurance with each passing day.

     Life goes on and I am happy to report that a young man whom Fisher-Mund and I have known since he was born has contacted FOMMI asking for permission to translate into Italian all the 21 “fishy” tracts that FOMMI previously printed, as he is going to the mission field of Sicily, starting in a seacoast fishing village. Giacomo Galioto is no stranger to Sicily, having been born there to a missionary family, so he is well qualified. I will endeavor to inform you of his progress in future prayer letters.

     God continues to meet the needs of FOMMI and me, personally, even before I ask. In February a young man in the Carolinas blessed FOMMI with a large contribution, even as a dear pastor had written that his church was no longer able to send monthly support. I can testify that for forty years the Lord has met the needs of this mission work. I am so thankful to all of you who have been faithful in praying as well as in financial support (the two go hand-in-hand). I recently was blessed by a class of First Graders in a supporting church/Christian School. Each student wrote a letter to exhibit their cursive writing and to let me know they pray for me each day. What a blessing! Psalm 8:2, “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength…”.

     As I am compiling this in late March to be mailed April 15, Bro. Lemon has visited with Bro. Jeph at Fishers of Men Baptist Church and Bible School  in the Philippines. Bro. Jeph had asked him to come earlier, but COVID restrictions, political unrest, and other considerations had prevented the visit. I trust the Lord made it a learning time for Bro. Lemon in that Bro. Jeph (and his father before him) have much experience in establishing a thriving church and Bible school, which in turn has produced trained young men who are establishing other churches. That is why Bible schools were always a priority for Fisher-Mund in supporting mission projects. While in the Philippines Bro. Lemon was able to speak to Bible students during class, went to visit some churches where the pastors are graduates of the Bible school, and spoke at the Police Camp where Bro. Jeph holds Bible studies every Tuesday. They also had “Thanksgiving Sunday” where they celebrated with thanks to God for providing the facilities for the ministry in San Fernando City. Marge, Bro. Jeph’s wife, is doing well physically even though busy in the ministry. Rose, Bro. Jeph’s mother, is still using oxygen when needed.

     Bro. Varghese (India) reports that his mother, Annamma Varghese, passed away on February 8, at 87 years of age. She and his father had spent their lives in working for the Lord in a hard place. Schools will be closed for the summer, so VBS is planned at their main church. Late in April he will be going to Orissa to join Bible institute students in public meetings daily. Pray for their safety as well as the salvation of many. They also ask prayer for rain, as many are suffering with water shortages.

     Bro. Lemon (Bangladesh) greatly enjoyed his visit to the Philippines and gained a lot of insight in running the ministry in Bangladesh. The purchase of more land is scheduled to be finalized in April. In a ministry like Bangladesh, there is always a need for additional finances. All the $180 water tanks/$450 cows/$100 bicycles/$450 boats and nets projects are continuing, as well as a need to build a storehouse for the crops they are raising for distribution. The base station is ready to build the third floor to be used mainly for a “First Aid Treatment” Clinic as soon as the Lord provides the funds. If you would like to contribute to any of these things, please note it on your check payable to Fishers of Men Ministries International. The pictures below show only two of the churches in the Philippines they visited along with a snapshot of the meeting at the Police Camp.

Waiting, watching and WORKING,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]

Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - February 2024


Dear Friends,

       End of year office duties quickly followed the Christmas season, which I enjoyed immensely. All my family were home with the exception of one grandson, his wife and two of my great-granddaughters. (He is in the Army and was only able to be home for Thanksgiving.) When we all gather there are 25 present. That may seem to be a large number, but I came from an old-fashioned family of seven children, so when we all gathered at my parents’ home years ago with our families the number was astronomical!
       Activities of FOMMI are continuing as ever. Radio programs are made available daily and continue to be heard around the world in 241 listening countries and locations. I start each day by listening to the podcast for that day. If you have difficulty finding the podcast, contact me and I will tell you how to access it.
       The “Anchors of the Faith” series is continuing to bear fruit of souls saved. Recently an inmate in Escambia County jail in Pensacola, Florida, reported being saved by reading the AOF book he had found discarded in his jail.
       My mother-in-law was hospitalized the first of December as the November-December prayer letter was being printed. After her dismissal we (her family) have had to be with her 24/7. Her condition continues to be up and down---sometimes we don’t think she will live through the day, only to see her rally and have a few days of a somewhat normal time. She can no longer walk, so we have to physically move her. At times she cannot feed herself, then at times she can. All of this is uncertain, but we will continue to care for her. She will be 101 by the time you read this. My sitting schedule is daytime, so the office work for FOMMI is done at night. As there is a need, feel free to telephone any time as I have the phone with me at all times.
         The Bible schools in India and the Philippines are operating on schedule. Bangladesh is still in a holding pattern until late February when they plan to resume classes.  Bro. Lemon in Bangladesh is already reaping a rice harvest on recent land purchases. Pray for them as there are still some troublesome times in that country. Pray that the food they are growing will open new doors to evangelize.
     Thank you for being a friend to FOMMI in your faithful prayer and financial support. (Your caring birthday greetings in January were appreciated. The years are piling up—80 of them!)

Thankful for you,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - December 2023


Dear Friends,

     Once again it is my pleasure to bring you an update of FOMMI happenings. As I begin composing this report, it is softly raining! That may not seem newsworthy, but it has been a long time since we have had rain and our area, along with many others, is in a serious drought. God knows our needs, and 2 Chronicles 26:5 tells us (along with King Uzziah) that “…as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper”. That prospering includes rain when there is a need, and the qualifying “sought the LORD” is done.
     The daily and weekend radio broadcasts continue to reach new listeners. The outlet of Fundamental Broadcasting Network reports the addition of listeners in Tonga and the Falkland Islands, bringing the total to 241 listening countries and locations around the world just through FBN broadcasting. Tonga is an island country in Polynesia consisting of 171 islands with 45 of the islands inhabited by nearly 105,000 souls. The Falkland Islands are a remote South Atlantic archipelago with a population of 3700. This office has heard from listeners in California, North Dakota and Michigan as well as Mexico, Kenya, Pakistan and Myanmar. God continues to bless His Word over the airwaves.
     If any reader would like to receive a CD titled “There Go the Ships”, preached by Fisher-Mund, I would be happy to mail it to you as you provide your USPS address. He gave these to interested people as he traveled to meetings, and I recently discovered there are several hundred sitting on a shelf in the stock area.
     FOMMI has already received some Christmas gifts; thank you! Your thoughtfulness is always appreciated. Please remember that all contributions must be in our office by Friday, December 29, 2023 in order to be recorded on 2023 contribution records, no matter what date is on your check. Your yearly contribution record (total) will be mailed to you in early January 2024. Your faithfulness in prayer and financial support is essential for FOMMI to continue.
     Bro. Jeph Palit-Ang in the Philippines reports Fishers of Men Baptist Church in San Fernando City, La Union, celebrated Missions Sunday on November 26 and their church anniversary on December 3. They are now supporting six missionaries (2 in Thailand, 2 in Cambodia, and 3 in Bangladesh) with plans to add more. The Bible school continues with one previous graduate helping teach in the school. Bro. Jeph’s daughter, AJ, is also teaching a course on Basics of Philippine Constitution and Laws. (She is a law school graduate waiting on the results of her bar exam.) Many pastors are now in full-time work in the Philippines after being trained in the Bible school.
     Bro. Joe Vest Varghese in India reports they are continuing to reach out in some remote villages, concentrating more on doing door-to-door visiting and as a result some people have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord. The motorbike FOMMI recently provided for one of the evangelists is pictured below. The Bible institute students are growing spiritually and most of them are burdened for their own lost communities. Many young people are addicted to drugs and alcohol. An outreach among the Gypsie colony is growing as many are coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. The tailoring school in this colony is a blessing to many women who have been deserted by their husbands. During Christmas time they will be gifting three sewing machines to them. FOMMI will wire funds ($800) to cover the cost of the machines.
     Bro. Lemon in Bangladesh has experienced problems from the political upheaval in that country preceding their election, as well as from global issues. No particulars can be included here.  However they are trusting in the Lord and continuing on. I am including pictures of watermelon grown on the property they recently purchased. They will be able to grow a crop of watermelon and another crop of rice yearly. They hope to finalize the purchase of the additional property soon. To clarify what I wrote in the October 12, 2023 prayer letter concerning giving funds for individual projects (bicycles $100; cows $450; water tanks $180; boats & nets $450), please continue to designate to these needs as Bro. Lemon has confirmed that he can honor those designations. I am including a picture of water tanks being delivered to the base station property to be transported by water to their intended locations. He recently made a request for $11,000 to fence some of the newly obtained property, dig a pond, and buy a power tiller to till the land for rice and watermelon.  Praise the Lord a donor has already met that need and the funds are being wired. The Bible school is set to resume in February 2024 after the January election. They also are starting a “Foods” giving project from their base station garden. So much activity, but profitable for the ministry of spreading the gospel! Keep praying for them.

Thankful for you,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - October 2023


Dear Friends,

     In Proverbs 18:24 we find, “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”  Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought or sold, but its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold. I am so thankful that God has given me so many friends like you who care, listen, understand, comfort, and reach out a helping hand. I heard from many of you as the date of Fisher-Mund’s final flight rolled around on September 2, reminding me that you still listen to the broadcasts via radio stations, internet and podcasts and they continue to bless you. God has continued to prove Himself faithful to me over the last two years, even as the Word declares in Psalm 147:3, “He health the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.”
     Pastor Varghese in India reports the Bible school is functioning well. Concerning the students he writes, “We see their enthusiasm and zeal for God even from the beginning of the training period.” The students do door-to-door evangelism as well as personal (one-on-one) evangelism, travelling to interior villages and conducting small group Bible studies. FOMMI has provided additional funds for the purchase of a motorbike to help in their travels. He asks prayer for Christians in Manipur and other parts of India where they are suffering persecution causing many to be homeless, resulting in poor living conditions that produce health issues like typhoid.
     Pastor Jeph in the Philippines reports they have endured several typhoons (like our hurricanes) recently, but no direct hits or lasting damage. Bible school training there is continuing. I believe he said he had 8 students at this time (I have misplaced his correspondence).
    Pastor Lemon in Bangladesh also reports times of trouble as that country nears an election. River pirates are using the instability cause by the political turmoil as a means to extend their robbery in areas near Pastor Lemon. Pray for their safety.  In September the purchase of a portion of the additional property was completed. It had six owners, so was quite an ordeal to complete. The rest of the property is still being processed for purchase.  In the July-August 2023 Fishing News I reported that a fisherman who was also a river church pastor was eaten by a crocodile as he and his wife fished for their living. While the fisherman WAS eaten by a crocodile as he and his wife fished, he WAS NOT a river church pastor, and perhaps not even a Christian. Sorry for the error.  Many of you have given to various projects/outreaches that are ongoing there, and those designations have been honored and used for the specified projects. However, it is getting more and more difficult to keep the designations separated from general support as it goes from receipting in the USA, then wiring to Bangladesh, and applying there. Please continue to support this needy work, but unless you are giving an exceptionally large amount for one project, please allow your donations to be used at Pastor Lemon’s discretion for the greatest need there. I am happy to discuss this further with any donor.            
Thankful for you,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]


Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - August 2023


Dear Friends,

     1 Corinthians 14:40 admonishes us, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” I really like that verse and agree with it wholeheartedly. I have just spend two hours getting my desk “in order” as I reviewed correspondence received since the last prayer letter went out in June. (Too bad for me that I put off getting things “in order” as it came in, and then required so much time today!) I pray that procrastination is not a characteristic of my life or yours, especially in our service to our Lord Jesus Christ.

     Since June I have received requests from Kenya and Myanmar requesting teaching materials in their languages and just general help in reaching their people with the gospel. I pray that God will supply their needs, knowing that many scams are exploiting Christians with false claims. However,  FOMMI only produces printed materials in English, so nothing could be offered there.

     Several emails have come in from radio/podcast listeners saying they are encouraged by the broadcasts. One man was a Navy veteran and said he also is a “fisher of men”. Another man testified that he was encouraged by a broadcast that met his need. Praise the Lord! Another email was from missionaries to Jews in Massachusetts, thanking God for the broadcasts. The broadcasts will soon be heard over a new radio station in Davao City, Mindanao.  I never cease to be amazed at the response received from hearing the Word of God preached.

     For those of you who pass out a lot of tracts, a friend of Fisher-Mund from Bible school days, Fred Miller, has contacted me saying he has FREE tracts to anyone who asks for them. He will pay shipping also.  Fred (and his late wife Joyce) wrote two gospel tracts that appeal to military personnel with their covers, concerning their son, Alan, a paratrooper who lost his life in a freak accident at Ft. Bragg, NC in 1993. The tracts are titled “Airborne to Heaven” and “Treasure in Heaven”. FOMMI originally printed those tracts, but when FOMMI ceased printing tracts in 2018, Fred has had them printed in NC. The quality of the tracts is top-notch. If you can use some of these tracts, please contact Fred Miller at PO Box 502, Dobson, NC 27017, cell # 336-710-8052 (no texts please).

     Everyone knows how hot it has been (everywhere). South Alabama received lightning storms in June and July as the heat was building up, and can you guess what happened in the office? You got it….equipment was struck and had to be replaced! That was in addition to what had already been damaged by previous lightning strikes a month prior. It took a week to get back online  and another week before everything was restored with parts delivery. All the equipment belongs to the Lord, and if He allows it to happen, we just work to repair things and go ahead.

     Fishers of Men Bible School in the Philippines (San Fernando City, La Union) held graduation on July 25 for two students, the first since COVID. They have had to close school so many times since 2020 in compliance with Philippine laws. They held a short Bible Conference in connection with the graduation, with some of former graduates attending.  On a personal note, Pastor Jeph’s wife, Marge, is having painful swelling in her right foot, and his mother, Rose, is home from the hospital but having to use oxygen most of the time.

     Pastor Joe Vest Varghese in India reports that his mother was admitted to the hospital with respiratory issues, but has since been released. The new Bible school session is going well (pictures of new students were in June’s prayer letter).

     Pastor Lemon in Bangladesh has much activity there. They are finally completing the purchase of the additional land. Land purchase there is complicated as they have to reconcile three different “maps and paper” (British colonial times 1760-1945; Pakistan period 1945-1971; and Bangladesh period 1971 to present). There are many mistakes and differences between the records, so among other things, they have to actually measure the land in person. Pray for this vibrant evangelistic work, and if the Lord leads, support it financially. Please refer to previous prayer letters about their specific needs.  In late June, one of the fishermen who was also a river church pastor was eaten by a crocodile as he and his wife fished for their living.

Officials studying/reconciling land maps, and measuring land in person.

Thank you for your prayer and financial support to FOMMI as we……


Continue on,

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]